There are many resources available to support the mental health of students and employees. Some may be free of charge to certain populations. Please read through the list below to find what works best for your needs. Unless a product or service is affiliated with GCSU or the USG, inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement.
Other resources are available under our Resources section.
Mental Health
- Free Counseling at Uwill –Prefer to receive counseling from someone not connected to campus? Students can receive free teletherapy through our partner, Uwill. Go to Home | Uwill to choose a therapist based on your preferences including gender, language and ethnicity. Night and weekend appointments are available.
- Free Psychiatry at UWill- Students can receive free psychiatric services through UWill by referral from a Counselor at GCSU Counseling Services. To make an appointment call 478 445 5331 or email
Treatment with a Mental Health Professional off Campus
- See your insurance plan website for mental health professionals covered by your plan.
- Employee Assistance Program (844) 243-4440 Provides free counseling and other services to GCSU employees.
- Milledgeville VA Clinic (478) 414-4540 (free for Veterans)
- Southern Crescent 24 Hour Crisis Line 770 477 2177 (Free counseling, advocacy and SANE examination for survivors of sexual abuse)
Telemental Health with a Mental Health Professional off Campus
- Student Assistance Plan (free for members of the United Health student insurance plan)
- Employee Assistance Program 844-243-4440 or (password USGcares; free for GCSU employees)
- See your insurance plan website for tele-mental health or tele-behavioral health services (typically fee based)
- Meta App (insurance billed or fee based service; specializes in counseling for college students)
- Orchid (fee based service)
- TherapyTribe you can find several free health and wellness services provided to the community at large and mental health related resources.
- Charlie Health (insurance billed) online Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) providing individual, coulples and group counseling multiple times per week.
Peer Support for Mental Health
These sources of peer support are not mental health treatment and are not led by licensed mental health professionals. These peer supports are not intended to replace mental health treatment but are a source of support for managing stress and promoting wellness.
- Trevor Project - Peer support for the LGBTQ+ community
- Kate's Club - Peer based grief support
- To Write Love On Her Arms (TWLOHA) is a student led peer support organization “dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.”
- Veterans Crisis Line: Connect with the Veterans Crisis Line to reach caring, qualified responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Many of them are Veterans themselves.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Peer led support groups for substance abuse.
- Narcotics Anonymous: Peer led support groups for substance abuse.
- Al Anon: Peer led support group for the families and friends of substance abusers.
Faith Based Support
These sources of support are not mental health treatment and are not led by mental health professionals. Resources provided by churches and other organizations are subject to change.
- Stephen’s Ministry, is a program of the United Methodist Church that provides lay support for those coping with stressful situations. In the Milledgeville area, the Stephen’s Ministry is offered through the First Methodist Church.
- Fresh Hope, provides faith based, online support groups for individuals and families of those with a mental health diagnosis.
- Grief Share, is a faith based, structured program to assist individuals struggling with the death of someone in their lives.
- Celebrate Recovery at Freedom Church is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.
- Jami, Kooth Student offers online mental health services for the Jewish community.
- Institute for Muslim Mental Health offers educational, wellness, and mental health resources for the Muslim community.
- Fresh Hope for Mental Health Online Support Group Meetings is Fresh Hope is a network of Christian mental health support groups for those who have a mental health diagnosis along with their loved ones.
Online Self-Help
These self-help resources are not mental health treatment.
- Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is a free resource for GCSU students and employees that provides that provides interactive programs teaching skills for improving mood, communication, sleep. pain management, etc.
- UWill - Students have free access to on-demand wellness programming through Uwill’s easy to use online platform. Select wellness from the left navigation and relax and recharge your mind and body with a wide range of wellness such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and more.
- University System of Georgia Wellness free programming for University employees
- HeadSpace - This fee based app teaches mindfulness skills to improve focus, sleep and emotional functioning.
- Mood Gym is a free resources for learning Cognitive Behavioral skills to address anxiety, depression and other issues.
Grief Support
Please note that these resources are not led by mental health professionals.
- Kate's Club - online free peer support for Grief
- Grief Share - a faith based, structured program to assist individuals struggling with the death of someone in their lives.
Support for Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- - Assistance locating treatment programs for addictions.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: Peer led support groups for substance abuse.
- Narcotics Anonymous: Peer led support groups for substance abuse.
- Al Anon: Peer led support group for the families and friends of substance abusers.